Monday, September 10, 2007

#15 Library 2.0 and where 2.0?

Read all of these perspectives - yes, clearly it's about adaptability, being able to do that quickly, with some (but not endless) reflection. The whole Library 2.0, Web 2.0 thing reminds me very much of all that research way back which told us that, when seeking information, the first source for most people was a friend or someone they thought knowledgeable. Libraries weren't ever right up there at the top though we have always been able to rely on the "trusted" label when it comes to information. And as the social networking phenomenon and online communities of interest have the potential to bring people with knowledge about the same things together, maybe we do need to think about which of these new technologies really can help us adapt to where people are. Maybe we do have to stare this thing in the face. There are other information experts out there - members of the public who are very knowledgeable about their area of interest - and they can potentially answer each others' questions if they are connected in an online community . . . can't they???

As for the OCLC experts, I found myself being a bit irritated by the guy who kept referring to himself as "this librarian" and wondered what was wrong with the first person pronoun? So for me, the style thing got in the way of what were otherwise fair enough points.

Wendy Schulz's short analysis of web history - interesting. The Library in its 4.0 incarnation as knowledge spa? The idea of an augmented reality where the physical and the virtual merge and we can bathe (basically) in it - am not sure that I will want to.

So . . . am I just an old dog? do I apply for a departure package? do I just blog on . . .

1 comment:

The Learning 2.0 Program said...

When we start to "bathe in web 4.0?", its time for me to retire.