Friday, July 20, 2007

Why blog?

Us dogs have been busy and haven't come back, but have tracked some of the other AID blogs - and some people are really getting into it. Someone asked why and I didn't post a comment at the time. There's lots of useful "stuff" out there in the library blogland it seems to me. A few examples? Check out Lorcan Dempsey's blog (
or David Lee King whose posts from July 5-12 are worth a read. He asks "Why Learn this Stuff"? ( and answers.

One of the problems, it seems to me, is that it is easy to spend a huge amount of time reading "useful stuff" and bouncing from blog to blog. When does it stop being learning and become indulgent, especially when we have a lot else to do?

Friday, July 13, 2007

not so tricky after all!

Getting to this place wasn't really all that difficult. Just making the time and committing to action was what was needed!